Tutte le citta' della East Coast che hanno detto no alle trivelle e all'airgun.
Turismo e petorlio non si puo'.
Qui la mappa dei 160 km di barriera protettiva negli USA
Vietato trivellare: rosso
Permesso: verde
Tutto il petrolio che ci lasciamo sottoterra (arancio):
Trivelliamo solo il verde
Si trivellano solo i mari di Texas e Lousiana.
Ecco qui il risultato:
3000 pozzi, lo scoppio del golfo del Messico
e una accozzaglia di oleodotti marini
che e' impossibile monitorare
Il 17 Aprile vuoi essere Gela o vuoi essere Taormina?
** Update: 15 Marzo 2016, Obama annuncia che non ci saranno airgun
e/o trivelle lungo la East Coast **
Salvi 800 mila chilometri quadrati di mare
in Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia
La gente si e' ribellata, e con loro politici, stampa, attivita' commerciali.
Il parere unanime e' che
turismo e petrolio non si puo'.
Vota SI il 17 Aprile 2016
Tutte le citta' della East Coast che si sono dichiarate contro le trivelle e contro l'airgun:
Tutti i politici della East Coast che si sono dichiarati contro le trivelle e contro l'airgun:
Editoriali della stampa della East Coast contro le trivelle e contro l'airgun:
Non si capisce questo Obama esattamente che idee abbia sul mare, sul petrolio, sull'ambiente.
Nelle scorse settimane infatti, la sua amministrazione ha presentato un piano di trivellazioni offshore dalla Virginia alla Georgia, passando per North Carolina e South Carolina come si vede dalla foto sopra.
Mentre i petrolieri festeggiano, la gente mormora e si preoccupa.
Ma la cosa che mi fa pensare e' che qui, per quanto scellerato e folle sia questa idea, Obama almeno ha il buon senso di lasciare una fascia protettiva di 50 miglia, circa 80 chilometri.
Se si facesse la stessa cosa in Adriatico, per dirne una, non ci sarebbe scampo per i petrolieri!
L'Adriatico infatti e' in media 100 miglia di larghezza, esattamente160 chilometri. Ottanta noi, ottanta i croati, e l'Adriatico sarebbe chiuso.
Punto e fine.
Matteo Renzi non ha avuto una parola da dire sulle trivelle croate, non una.
E va bene, non gli interessa.
Fioccano intanto gli editoriali contro le trivelle: uno dei principali quotidiani del New Jersey ricorda che uno sversamento di petrolio anche a cento miglia dalle loro spiagge avrebbe effetti devastanti sull’economia, che si basa in larga parte su turismo, acquacultura e pesca. Come da copione i residenti non ne tratterrebbero alcun beneficio, visto che il petrolio e' di chi se lo piglia e tanti saluti.
Stessa cosa dal South Carolina, dove si ricorda che una fascia protettiva di 80 chilometri non e' sufficiente e che le trivelle non sono compatibili con l'industria numero uno dello stato: il turismo.
In realta' tutti i senatori degli stati interessati hanno espresso il proprio no alle trivelle, e tutti per gli stessi motivi: ne guadagnano solo i petrolieri.
Anche la NASA e' coinvolta, visto che lungo le rive della Virginia c'e' una base aereospaziale e temono che petroliere e pozzi di petrolio potrebbero causare problemi di sicurezza ed incidenti.
In realta' lo stesso piano petrolifero era stato presentato gia' nel 2010, poco prima del disastro nel Golfo del Messico. L’incidente aveva ricoperto di petrolio ben 650 miglia di costa, cioe' la bellezza di 1000 chilometri e quindi, il progetto nefasto era stato ritirato venti giorni dopo perche' impresentabile.
Come ripetuto ad infintium, il petrolio e' ancora li e nessuno sa come ripulirlo.
Forse il governo USA crede che bastino cinque anni a far dimenticare? O a far ripulire?
Ma perche' Obama fa tutto questo? Ne abbiamo parlato tante volte. E' forse un giochino politico per accontentare gli elettori pro-trivelle, e per sembrare "bilanciato" dopo avere chiuso parte dei mari dell'Alaska alle esplorazioni petrolifere? E poi per aiutare chi verra' dopo di lui a prendere voti in questi stati del sud, repubblicani, e amanti dei buchi? Alla fine queste sono proposte che prima di essere messe in atto avranno bisogno di anni ed anni di progettazione e di accordi, molti di piu' che i due ci separano dalle elezioni del 2016 e quindi forse e' solo fumo elettorale negli occhi?
Che sia una mossa politica e' chiaro: mica Obama chiede di trivellare in California? O in Florida? O anche a New York, dove hanno appena passato una moratoria anti fracking, o nel Maine. Se lo mangerebbero vivo.
Ma anche se e' una mossa politica, e' lo stesso un piano che regala alla Shell, alla ExxonMobil e alla Chevron, un area immensa area per i prossimi anni proprio adesso che ci potrebbe essere veramente la transizione verso le rinnovabili, adesso che le trivelle non sono piu' cosi redditizie.
Interessante che Delaware abbia chiesto di essere escluso dal piano, e che abbia spronato il Bureau of Ocean Energy Management a spostare gli investimenti sulle energie rinnovabili.
Intanto le proteste cavalcano anche in Virginia, speriamo che possano fare anche loro lo stesso e che Obama possa decidere: trivelle o ambiente. Di qua o di la.
Democristianamente in mezzo non si va da nessuna parte.
- Accomack County, VA: Passed 2009 (offshore drilling); Voted to send letter 2/12/2016 (offshore drilling)
- Atlantic Beach, FL: Passed 9/8/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Atlantic Beach, NC: Passed 10/26/2015
- Atlantic Beach, SC: Passed 9/14/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Atlantic City, NJ: Passed 4/8/2015 (seismic blasting and offshore drilling)
- Barnegat, NJ: Passed 7/28/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Bald Head Island, NC: Passed 8/21/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Baltimore, MD: Passed 10/19/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Beach Haven, NJ: Passed 8/11/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Beachwood, NJ: Passed 7/16/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Beaufort, NC: Passed 8/10/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Beaufort, SC: Passed 2/10/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Bellville, NC: Passed 3/7/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Berlin, MD: Passed 1/25/2016 (seismic blasting)
- Bonita Springs, FL: Passed 4/1/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Bradley Beach, NJ: Passed 3/11/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Briarcliffe Acres, SC: Passed 10/19/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Brigantine, NJ: Passed 3/18/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Broward County, FL: Passed 2010 (offshore drilling)
- Brunswick, GA: Passed 5/20/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Cape Canaveral, FL: Passed 4/15/2014 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Cape Coral, FL: Passed 2/8/2016 (seismic blasting)
- Carolina Beach, NC: Passed 2/28/2014 (seismic blasting); Passed 10/13/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Carolina Shores, NC: Passed 10/8/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Carrboro, NC: Passed 3/17/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Caswell Beach, NC: Passed 3/31/2014 (seismic blasting, resolution of concern); Passed 10/14/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Cedar Point, NC: Passed 1/26/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Chapel Hill, NC: Passed 9/28/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Charleston, SC: Passed 3/24/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Charleston County, SC: Passed 5/5/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Cocoa Beach, FL: Passed 4/3/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Columbia, SC: Passed 5/5/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Dare County, NC: Passed 2005 (offshore drilling); Renewed on 4/6/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Dewey Beach, DE: Passed 12/12/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Duck, NC: Passed 2009 (offshore drilling)
- Edisto Beach, SC: Passed 5/8/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Emerald Isle, NC: Passed 4/15/2015 (seismic blasting); Passed 10/13/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Fenwick Island, DE: Passed 1/22/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Fernandina Beach, FL: Passed 12/2/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Folly Beach, SC: Passed 3/10/15 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Flagler County, FL: Passed 5/18/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Ft. Myers Beach, FL: Passed 4/6/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Georgetown, SC: Passed 4/16/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Hilton Head, SC: Voted to send letter to BOEM 3/25/2015 (offshore drilling); Voted to send letter to state department of health and environmental control 3/19/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Holden Beach, NC: Passed 9/8/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Holly Ridge, NC: Passed 8/11/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Indialantic, FL: Passed 1/7/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Indian Harbor Beach, FL: Passed 1/13/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Indian River County, FL: Passed 12/1/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Isle of Palms, SC: Passed 2/17/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Jacksonville Beach, FL: Passed 3/16/2015 (seismic blasting)
- James Island, SC: Passed 3/19/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Kiawah Island, SC: Passed 5/5/15 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Kill Devil Hills, NC: Passed 6/9/2014 (offshore drilling)
- Kingsland, GA: Passed 1/10/2016 (seismic blasting, proclamation)
- Kitty Hawk, NC: Passed 2005 (offshore drilling and exploration)
- Kure Beach, NC: Passed 1/19/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Lake Worth, FL: Passed 2009 (offshore drilling)
- Lewes, DE: Passed 11/9/20015 (seismic blasting)
- Manteo, NC: Passed 5/7/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Marco Island, FL: Passed 2010 (offshore drilling)
- Martin County, FL Commissioners: Sent letter to BOEM 7/30/2014 (seismic blasting and offshore drilling)
- McClellanville, SC: Passed 5/4/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Melbourne, FL: Passed 1/13/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Melbourne Beach, FL: Passed 9/17/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Miami Beach, FL: Passed 2008 (offshore drilling)
- Milton, DE: Passed 2/24/2016 (seismic blasting and offshore drilling)
- Morehead City, NC: Passed 8/11/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Montgomery County, MD: Passed 3/1/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Mt. Pleasant, SC: Passed 5/13/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Myrtle Beach, SC: Passed 8/11/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Nags Head, NC: Passed 4/2/2014 (seismic blasting); Passed 7/2/2014 (offshore drilling)
- Neptune Beach, FL: Passed 11/3/2014 (seismic blasting)
- New Smyrna Beach, FL: Passed 12/9/2014 (seismic blasting)
- North Myrtle Beach, SC: Passed 8/17/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Northampton County, VA: Passed 3/8/2016 (offshore drilling)
- Oak Island, NC: Passed 4/29/2014 (seismic blasting, resolution of concern); Passed 9/8/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Ocean City, MD: Passed 9/21/2015 (seismic blasting and offshore drilling)
- Ocean Isle, NC: Passed 10/13/2015 (seismic blasting and offshore drilling)
- Orange County, NC: Passed 9/1/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Palm Beach County, FL: Passed in 2010 (offshore drilling)
- Pawleys Island, SC: Passed 9/14/2015 (offshore drilling, proclamation)
- Port Royal, SC: Passed 2/11/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Punta Gorda, FL: Passed 2/3/2016 (seismic blasting)
- Red Bank, NJ: Passed 3/12/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Rehoboth Beach, DE: Passed 1/15/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Rockville, SC: Passed 4/20/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Satellite Beach, FL: Passed 11/5/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Savannah, GA: Passed 4/30/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Seabrook Island, SC Mayor and Councilmembers: Voted to send letter 4/28/2015 (Offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Southport, NC: Passed 5/8/2014 (seismic blasting); Passed 8/13/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Space Coast League of Cities, FL: Passed 2/9/2015 (seismic blasting)
- St. Augustine, FL: Updated 4/14/2014 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- St. James, NC: Passed 5/6/2014 (seismic blasting, resolution of concern)
- St. Johns County, FL Commissioners: Sent letter to BOEM 4/3/2014 (seismic blasting)
- St. Marys, GA: Passed 2/2/2015 (seismic blasting, proclamation)
- St. Petersburg, FL: Passed 4/17/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Sullivan's Island, SC: Passed 3/17/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Sunset Beach, NC: Passed 6/30/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Surf City, NC: Passed 8/4/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Surfside Beach, SC: Passed 9/22/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Swansboro, NC: Passed 11/24/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Topsail Beach, NC: Passed 4/23/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Titusville, FL: Passed 2010 (offshore drilling)
- Tybee Island, GA: Passed 1/15/2015 (seismic blasting); Passed 9/10/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Vero Beach, FL: Passed 11/17/2015 (seismic blasting and offshore drilling)
- Washington, DC: Passed 2/2/2016 (seismic blasting and offshore drilling)
- West Melbourne, FL: Passed 2/3/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Wilmington, NC: Passed 7/21/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Wrightsville Beach, NC: Passed 2010 (offshore drilling)
Tutte le attivita' commerciali della East Coast che si sono dichiarate contro le trivelle e contro l'airgun:
- 280 East Coast Businesses: Signed a letter from Surfrider Foundation and Waterkeeper Alliance 2/3/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- 440+ South Carolina Businesses: Signed a letter to Governor Haley 12/16/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- 360+ East Coast Businesses: Signed a letter from Environment America to President Obama (offshore drilling)
- Cape May County, NJ Chamber of Commerce: Passed Resolution 2/6/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Ocean City, MD Chamber of Commerce: Sent letter to Governor Hogan 1/25/2016 (offshore drilling and seismic testing)
- Ocean City, MD Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association: Sent letter to BOEM 2/29/2016 (offshore driling and seismic blasting)
- Tampa Bay Beaches, FL Chamber of Commerce: Updated Resolution 7/21/2015 (offshore drilling)
- South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce: Passed Resolution 1/12/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Outer Banks, NC Chamber of Commerce: Passed Resolution 7/7/2014 (offshore drilling)
- Carteret County, NC Chamber of Commerce: Passed Resolution 9/5/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Wrightsville Beach, NC Chamber of Commerce: Passed Resolution 10/28/2015
- Carteret County, NC Tourism Development Authority: Passed Resolution 10/28/2015
- New Hanover County, NC Tourism Development Authority: Passed Resolution 11/16/2015
- Dare County, NC Tourism Board: Passed Resolution 4/24/2014 (seismic blasting); Passed Resolution 6/19/2014 (offshore drilling)
- Outer Banks, NC Home Builders Association: Passed Resolution 6/25/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Outer Banks, NC Association of Realtors: Sent letter to BOEM 4/2/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Rehoboth Beach Homeowners Association: Sent letter to BOEM 1/15/2016 (seismic blasting)
- Virginia Restaurant, Lodging, and Travel Association: Voted to oppose 11/16/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Virginia Beach, VA Restaurant Association: Sent letter to BOEM 3/25/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Virginia Beach, VA Hotel Association: Voted to oppose 5/4/2015; Part 1 and Part 2 (offshore drilling)
- Virginia Beach, VA Resort Advisory Commission: Voted to oppose 5/6/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Virginia Beach, VA Green Ribbon Committee: Sent letter to City Council 9/30/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council: Sent letter to BOEM 5/2/2014 (seismic blasting)
- South Atlantic Fishery Management Council: Sent letter to BOEM 4/30/2015 (seismic blasting)
- International Game Fish Association: Sent letter to BOEM 5/1/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Billfish Foundation: Sent letter to BOEM 5/7/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Southeastern Fisheries Association: Sent letter to President Obama 12/3/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Fisheries Survival Fund: Sent letter to the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council expressing concern 8/7/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- South Atlantic Fishery Management Council: Updated and strengthened its policies to increase protection for fisheries and fish habitat from energy exploration and development activities for the species and areas the Council is charged with managing 12/14/2015
- Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council: Updated and strengthened its policies to increase protection for fisheries and fish habitat from energy exploration and development activities for the species and areas the Council is charged with managing
Tutti i politici della East Coast che si sono dichiarati contro le trivelle e contro l'airgun:
- SC State Senator Chip Campsen: Sent letter to BOEM 3/30/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- NC State Representative Pricey Harrison and 21 members of the NC General Assembly: Sent letter to President Obama 5/6/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Georgetown, SC Mayor Jack Scoville: Wrote op-ed in South Strand News 4/13/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Charleston, SC Mayor Joe Riley: Sent letter to BOEM 4/18/2014 (seismic blasting)
- James Island, SC Public Service District: Passed Resolution on 3/23/2015 (Offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Fripp Island, SC Property Owners Association: Sent letter to Governor 7/16/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- South Carolina conservation groups: Sent letter to the Department of the Interior 5/26/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Horry County, SC Democratic Party: Passed Resolution 10/19/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Gullah/Geechee Nation, NC-SC-GA-FL: Passed 10/1/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- North Carolina Council of Churches: Adopted statement 3/1/2016 (offshore drilling)
- St. Augustine Beach, FL Mayor Andrea Samuels: Sent letter to BOEM 4/15/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Jacksonville, FL (Former) Mayor Alvin Brown: Sent letter to BOEM 5/7/2014 (seismic blasting)
- Florida State Department of Environmental Protection: Sent letter to BOEM "recommending delaying permitting until data/information that is currently not available can be collected and effects assessed using this new information" 4/20/2015 (seismic blasting)
- New Jersey State League of Municipalities: 7 mayors sent letter to DOI 1/30/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control Secretary David Small: Sent letter to DOI 4/21/2015 (seismic blasting)
- Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh: Sent letter to BOEM 3/30/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Maryland (Former) Governor Martin O'Malley: Sent letter to DOI 2/26/2014 (offshore drilling); Wrote an op-ed in the New York Times 2/2/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Lt. Governor Ralph Northam: Sent a letter to BOEM 2/25/2016 (offshore drilling off Virginia's coast)
- Lynnhaven River NOW, VA: Sent a letter to Congressman Rigell 8/25/2015 (offshore drilling and seismic blasting)
- Virginia Garden Club: Expressed opposition in their legislative agenda for 2016 (offshore drilling)
- Princess Anne Garden Club, VA: Sent a letter to City Council 9/8/2015 (offshore drilling)
- Virginia Beach Garden Club, VA: Sent letter to BOEM 9/29/2015 (offshore drilling)
- The Virginia Aquarium, VA: Sent a letter to the Mayor and City Council of Virginia Beach expressing concerns about offshore development near the Norfolk Canyon
- Sandbridge Civic League, VA: Sent letter to President Obama, BOEM, et al. (offshore drilling)
- Resort Beach Civic League, VA: Sent letter to President Obama, BOEM, et al. (offshore drilling)
- 83 East Coast State Legislators, led by State Representative Pricey Harrison: Sent letter to BOEM 3/30/2015 (offshore drilling)
- 95 state and local elected officials: Submitted letter to President Obama opposing seismic blasting on 5/6/2014 (seismic blasting)
- 75 Leading marine scientists: Sent letter to the President urging him "to reject the Interior Department's analysis and its decision to introduce seismic oil and gas surveys in the Atlantic," 3/5/2015 (seismic blasting)
- 100+ scientists: Sent letter to President Obama urging him to "wait on new science before permitting the use of seismic airguns in the Atlantic Ocean" 2/20/2014 (seismic blasting)
- 163 conservation and animal rights groups: Submitted letter to President Obama opposing seismic blasting on 5/6/2014 (seismic blasting)
Rappresentanti del Congresso USA contro trivelle ed airgun
- 36 U.S. Representatives: sent bipartisan letter to DOI asking to remove the Atlantic Ocean from the next five year plan 2/11/2016 (offshore drilling)
- 10 U.S. Senators: sent a letter to DOI asking not to issue any new leases in federal waters 2/3/2016 (offshore drilling)
- U.S. Senator Menendez and Rep. Pallone (NJ-6): Sent letter to President Obama asking him to place the Atlantic off-limits in the next lease sale auction 12/2/2016 (offshore drilling)
- U.S. Representatives Scott (VA-3) and Sanford (SC-1): sent bipartisan letter with 31 colleagues to BOEM asking to halt seismic testing in the Atlantic 12/14/2015 (seismic blasting)
- 53 U.S. Representatives: Sent letter to DOI 3/9/2015 (offshore drilling)
- 12 U.S. Senators: Sent letter to DOI 3/9/2015 (offshore drilling)
- U.S. Representative Frank Lobiondo (NJ-2): Sent letter to BOEM opposing offshore drilling in the Mid-Atlantic 3/18/2015
- U.S. Representative Mark Sanford (SC-1): Sent letter to President urging him "to reject the Interior Department's analysis and its decision to introduce seismic oil and gas surveys in the Atlantic" 4/20/2015 (seismic blasting)
- U.S. Representatives Scott (VA-3), Beyer (VA-8), and Connolly (VA-11): Sent letter to DOI opposing Atlantic offshore drilling 2/20/2015
- U.S. Senators Menendez and Booker, Rep. Pallone (NJ-6): Sent letter to President Obama opposing Atlantic offshore drilling 1/30/2015
- 13 members of Florida's Congressional delegation: Sent letter to DOI opposing offshore drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico 8/27/2014
- 7 Southeast U.S. Representatives: Sent letter to President Obama opposing seismic testing 8/1/2014
- 8 members of Maryland's congressional delegation: Sent letter to President Obama opposing seismic testing 7/31/2014
- U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (FL-1): Sent letter to DOI opposing offshore drilling and seismic testing 7/31/2014
- 11 members of Florida's congressional delegation: Sent letter to President Obama opposing seismic testing 7/18/2014
- U.S. Representative John Carney (DE-At Large): Sent letter to President Obama opposing seismic testing and offshore drilling 7/3/2014
- 9 U.S. Senators: Sent letter to DOI requesting that the seismic airgun PEIS not be released without incorporation of the "best available science" 2/26/2014
- 4 members of the U.S. House Committee on Natural Resources: Sent letter to DOI and NOAA expressing their concern and requesting information about seismic testing and offshore drilling 1/8/2014
- 6 Southeast U.S. House of Representatives: Sent letter to DOI urging Secretary Jewell to "use extreme caution when considering any proposals to allow drilling off the Atlantic Coast" 5/24/2013
- 13 members of Florida's congressional delegation: Sent letter to President Obama opposing seismic testing 4/17/2013
- U.S. Reps Scott (VA-3), Moran (VA-8, retired), and Connolly (VA-11): Sent letter to DOI opposing seismic testing 1/31/2013
- 27 U.S. Representatives: Sent letter to President Obama opposing seismic testing 1/30/2013
- 8 U.S. Senators: Sent letter to President Obama opposing seismic testing 1/30/2013
Editoriali della stampa della East Coast contro le trivelle e contro l'airgun:
- Cape Charles Wave, VA: Offshore Drilling Puts Fragile VA Coast at Risk
- The Virginian-Pilot, VA: Still time for Beach to get right on drilling
- The Virginian-Pilot, VA: Revisit Beach's drilling position
- The Virginian-Pilot, VA: Real risks to Virginia coast
- The Virginian-Pilot, VA: Too many risks to drill off Virginia
- The Virginian-Pilot, VA: The perils for tourism lurking offshore
- The Virginian-Pilot, VA: Beach leaders need to reverse vote, oppose drilling
- The Virginian-Pilot, VA: Virginia Beach Back from the Petroleum Brink
- The Virginian-Pilot, VA: Those mythical 25,000 offshore drilling jobs
- The Houston Chronicle, TX: Intrusive legacy
- Aiken Standard, SC: Don't get too gung-ho about offshore drilling
- Aiken Standard, SC: Offshore drilling bill isn't energy solution
- Aiken Standard, SC: Settlement by BP must come as stark reminder
- Bluffton Today, SC: Stand up against offshore drilling
- Bluffton Today, SC: DHEC makes wrong call
- Charleston Currents, SC: Keep your mitts off of our coast
- Low Country Current, SC: Offshore drilling a threat to what we see as beautiful
- My Horry News, SC: Myrtle Beach took the correct position on offshore drilling
- News & Record, SC: In the offshore drilling debate, whose interests are spoken for?
- Post & Courier, SC: Offshore drilling not right for SC
- Post & Courier, SC: Offshore drilling not worth risks
- Post & Courier, SC: An Incoherent Energy Policy
- Post & Courier, SC: Rally against offshore drilling
- Post & Courier, SC: Heed coastal consensus on drilling
- Post & Courier, SC: 1.4 million reasons not to drill
- Post & Courier, SC: Sanford sees the light on offshore drilling
- Post & Courier, SC: Is anyone in Columbia listening to the coast? FYI, we said no offshore drilling
- Post & Courier, SC: Haley should reverse course on offshore drilling
- Post & Courier, SC: How many more readers must suffer?
- Post & Courier, SC: Two more reasons not to drill
- Post & Courier, SC: Outrageously dismissive DHEC
- Post & Courier, SC: Putting a price on oil spill damage
- Post & Courier, SC: Participating in the democratic process
- Post & Courier, SC: 'No drilling' voices grow
- Post & Courier, SC: Yet another "no" to offshore drilling
- Post & Courier, SC: Rising tide of opposition to drilling off SC coast
- Post & Courier, SC: Rice joins coastal protection chorus
- Post & Courier, SC: Stop offshore seismic testing
- Post & Courier, SC: Rising voices against offshore drilling
- Sumter Item, SC: Stop offshore drilling in the Atlantic now
- The Herald, SC: Consider the risk of offshore drilling
- The Herald, SC: Protect SC's coast from oil exploration
- The Island Packet, SC: Pro-drilling forces have a lot to prove
- The Island Packet, SC: Don't miss the deadline to comment on drilling
- The Sun News, SC: Crude Oil Doesn't Fit in Tourism Economy
- The Sun News, SC: Offshore Wind a Viable Source for Future Electrical Energy
- The Sun News, SC: Offshore oil drilling opposed unanimously by Horry coastal municipalities
- Asbury Park Press, NJ: Ill timing for seismic testing
- Press of Atlantic City: Offshore drilling / worst time ever
- South Jersey Times, NJ: Don't harm marine life when having a blast
- Star Ledger, NJ: Oil drilling off the Atlantic coast is a bad idea
- The Times of Trenton, NJ: Oil drilling off Atlantic coast is dangerous for N.J., neighboring states
- Beaumont Enterprise, NC: Seismic tests in Beaumont need firm controls
- Brunswick Beacon, NC: County board should not support risky business
- Citizen Times, NC: Tread carefully with offshore drilling plans
- Daily Advance, NC: Our View- Coastal Communities Rising Up In Opposition To Drilling
- Fayetteville Observer, NC: Our View: Drill here? Maybe. Drill now? That's impossible
- Island Gazette, NC: Kure Beach should reconsider stance on seismic testing and offshore drilling at Jan 19th Meeting
- News & Record, NC: Dreams of drilling
- News & Record, NC: In the offshore drilling debate, whose interests are spoken for?
- News Observer, NC: Offshore drilling would threaten the NC coast
- Star News, NC: Be mindful of consequences of oil, gas exploration
- Star News, NC: Keep drilling well offshore
- State Port Pilot, NC: Too Many Unknowns
- State Port Pilot, NC: You Can't Have Both
- The Appalachian, NC: Oil drilling plan poses uncertainty, risks
- Tideland News, NC: Cedar Point officials do right
- Times News, NC: Offshore drilling Handle with care
- Port Isabel-South Padre Press, CA: Dune Hugger- North Carolina Oil
- Baltimore Sun, MD: Offshore Drilling- All Risk, No Reward
- Cecil Whig, MD: Seismic testing off coast ill-advised
- Portland Press Herald, ME: Our View Offshore drilling is not the right move for Maine
- Savannah Morning News, GA: Now is the time
- Florida Times-Union, FL: Thanks to Obama, our coast is in danger
- Florida Times-Union, FL: Offshore drilling is a danger to Florida
- Jacksonville Daily News, FL: Offshore drilling Handle with care
- Miami Herald, FL: Don't drill, baby!
- Miami Herald, FL: Keep the oceans clean
- Orlando Sentinel, FL: Expand offshore oil, gas drilling? Front Burner
- Pensacola News Journal, FL: Never forget the tragic lessons of BP's oil spill
- St. Augustine Record, FL: Seismic testing Lots of pain, little gain
- St. Augustine Record, FL: Seismic testing, drilling aren't worth the risk
- Tampa Bay Times, FL: Close door to drilling off FL's coast
- Tampa Bay Times, FL: Bush, Rubio send wrong signal on oil drilling off Florida
- Delaware News Journal, FL: Dilemmas plague fossil fuel supply
- Washington Post, DC: Debate over seismic air guns should wait until science has spoken
- Connecticut Post, DC: A case of 'oil spill amnesia'
Le trivelle di Obama - notare la fascia di 50 miglia di protezione - fanno 80 chilometri.
Seppur nella sua follia: altro che trivelle sottocosta dell'Adriatico!
Anche la NASA e' preoccupata - a riva fanno dei test aereospaziali.
Le trivelle non fanno parte dei test!
Seppur nella sua follia: altro che trivelle sottocosta dell'Adriatico!
Anche la NASA e' preoccupata - a riva fanno dei test aereospaziali.
Le trivelle non fanno parte dei test!
Non si capisce questo Obama esattamente che idee abbia sul mare, sul petrolio, sull'ambiente.
Nelle scorse settimane infatti, la sua amministrazione ha presentato un piano di trivellazioni offshore dalla Virginia alla Georgia, passando per North Carolina e South Carolina come si vede dalla foto sopra.
Mentre i petrolieri festeggiano, la gente mormora e si preoccupa.
Ma la cosa che mi fa pensare e' che qui, per quanto scellerato e folle sia questa idea, Obama almeno ha il buon senso di lasciare una fascia protettiva di 50 miglia, circa 80 chilometri.
Se si facesse la stessa cosa in Adriatico, per dirne una, non ci sarebbe scampo per i petrolieri!
L'Adriatico infatti e' in media 100 miglia di larghezza, esattamente160 chilometri. Ottanta noi, ottanta i croati, e l'Adriatico sarebbe chiuso.
Punto e fine.
Matteo Renzi non ha avuto una parola da dire sulle trivelle croate, non una.
E va bene, non gli interessa.
Fioccano intanto gli editoriali contro le trivelle: uno dei principali quotidiani del New Jersey ricorda che uno sversamento di petrolio anche a cento miglia dalle loro spiagge avrebbe effetti devastanti sull’economia, che si basa in larga parte su turismo, acquacultura e pesca. Come da copione i residenti non ne tratterrebbero alcun beneficio, visto che il petrolio e' di chi se lo piglia e tanti saluti.
Stessa cosa dal South Carolina, dove si ricorda che una fascia protettiva di 80 chilometri non e' sufficiente e che le trivelle non sono compatibili con l'industria numero uno dello stato: il turismo.
In realta' tutti i senatori degli stati interessati hanno espresso il proprio no alle trivelle, e tutti per gli stessi motivi: ne guadagnano solo i petrolieri.
Anche la NASA e' coinvolta, visto che lungo le rive della Virginia c'e' una base aereospaziale e temono che petroliere e pozzi di petrolio potrebbero causare problemi di sicurezza ed incidenti.
In realta' lo stesso piano petrolifero era stato presentato gia' nel 2010, poco prima del disastro nel Golfo del Messico. L’incidente aveva ricoperto di petrolio ben 650 miglia di costa, cioe' la bellezza di 1000 chilometri e quindi, il progetto nefasto era stato ritirato venti giorni dopo perche' impresentabile.
Come ripetuto ad infintium, il petrolio e' ancora li e nessuno sa come ripulirlo.
Forse il governo USA crede che bastino cinque anni a far dimenticare? O a far ripulire?
Ma perche' Obama fa tutto questo? Ne abbiamo parlato tante volte. E' forse un giochino politico per accontentare gli elettori pro-trivelle, e per sembrare "bilanciato" dopo avere chiuso parte dei mari dell'Alaska alle esplorazioni petrolifere? E poi per aiutare chi verra' dopo di lui a prendere voti in questi stati del sud, repubblicani, e amanti dei buchi? Alla fine queste sono proposte che prima di essere messe in atto avranno bisogno di anni ed anni di progettazione e di accordi, molti di piu' che i due ci separano dalle elezioni del 2016 e quindi forse e' solo fumo elettorale negli occhi?
Che sia una mossa politica e' chiaro: mica Obama chiede di trivellare in California? O in Florida? O anche a New York, dove hanno appena passato una moratoria anti fracking, o nel Maine. Se lo mangerebbero vivo.
Ma anche se e' una mossa politica, e' lo stesso un piano che regala alla Shell, alla ExxonMobil e alla Chevron, un area immensa area per i prossimi anni proprio adesso che ci potrebbe essere veramente la transizione verso le rinnovabili, adesso che le trivelle non sono piu' cosi redditizie.
Interessante che Delaware abbia chiesto di essere escluso dal piano, e che abbia spronato il Bureau of Ocean Energy Management a spostare gli investimenti sulle energie rinnovabili.
Intanto le proteste cavalcano anche in Virginia, speriamo che possano fare anche loro lo stesso e che Obama possa decidere: trivelle o ambiente. Di qua o di la.
Democristianamente in mezzo non si va da nessuna parte.
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