Acqua e Aria da fracking
Erano 800 un anno fa.
Adesso sono 6000.
In Italia si e' giustamente preoccupati per le conseguenze di trivelle e fracking sulla stabilita' del sottosuolo, sui terremoti. Ma come detto tante volte, ci sono altri effetti di fracking e trivelle molto piu' quotidiani dei terremoti e si chiamano acqua inquinata, aria malsana e malattie a persone ed animali.
Il gruppo "Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Water and Air" ha allora messo su una lista che si chiama "List of the Harmed" dove ciascuna famiglia puo' raccontare in poche righe quel che gli e' capitato e allegare eventuali link di stampa locale che documenta cio' che dicono.
Pare un bollettino di guerra.
Finora ci sono 800 di segnalazione volontaria. Ecco un po di esempi:
1. Pam Judy
Location: Carmichaels, PA
Gas Facility: Compressor station 780 feet away
Exposure: Air
Symptoms: Headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, nosebleeds, blood test show exposure to benzene and other chemicals
Pam Judy:Mal di testa, affaticamento, svenimenti, nausea, sangue dal naso, esami del sangue mostrano esposizione al benzene e ad altre sostanza tossiche. Qui la sua storia
2. Darrell Smitsky
Location: Hickory, PA
Gas Facility: Range Resources Well, less than 1,000 ft
Exposure: Water – toluene, acrylonitrile, strontium, barium, manganese
Symptoms: Rashes on legs from showering.
Symptoms (animal): Eight healthy goats dead; fish in pond showing abnormal scales; another neighbor comments anonymously
Darrell-Smitsky: Otto capre sane morte, pesci nei laghi con le squame anormali.
3. Jerry and Denise Gee and family
Location: Tioga County, Charleston Township, PA
Gas Facility: Shell Appalachia natural gas well
Exposure: Water – methane
Symptoms: Pond contaminated
Jerry e Denise Gee: Metano nell'acqua potabile e nel lago
4. Stacey Haney
Location: Washington County, PA
Gas Facility: Range Resources gas well and 7 acre waste impoundment
Exposure: Water – glycol and arsenic
Symptoms: Son – stomach, (liver and kidney) pain, nausea, fatigue and mouth ulcers; daughter – similar symptoms
Symptoms (animal): Dogs – death; goat – death; horse – sick
Stacey Haney: problemi allo stomaco, fegato e reni, dolori, nausea, fatica, ulcere. Morte di cani, capre e cavallo malato. Esposizione all'arsenico e al gycol. Qui la sua storia.
5. Phyllis Carr and family
Location: Lake Lynn, PA
Gas Facility: Three natural gas compressors operated by Williams and a dehydrator
Exposure: Air pollution
Symptoms: Headaches, sore throats, sinus congestion, rashes, blisters, lesions, respiratory distress, and hearing difficulties; blood contains phenol and benzene
Phyllis Carr e famiglia: inquinamento aria, mal di testa, mal di gola, congestione e sinusite, pruriti, vesciche, lesioni, problemi respiratori e all'udito, il sangue contiene fenoli e benzene.
6. Julie Kuhne
Location: Clearville, PA
Gas facility: Well blowout
Exposure: Water toluene.”…My water test came back contaminated with toluene. So did my neighbors.“
Symptoms: Unknown, replacement water or relocated
Julie Kuhne: Esposizione al toluene nell'acqua.
7. Joe A. & Sandra K. McDaniel
Location: Clearville, PA
Gas Facility: Steckman Ridge gas storage, wells 1000 ft from pond
Exposure: Water- MBAS in spring fed fish pond
Symptoms: Unknown, replacement water or relocated
Joe e Sandra McDaniel: acqua inquinata.
8. Terry Greenwood
Location: Washington County. PA
Gas Facility: Dominion Resources Appalachian and Consol gas wells and impoundment
Exposure: Water (waste pit overflowed into pond)
Symptoms (animal): Cows – ten dead
Terry Greenwood: dieci mucche morte dopo lo sversamento di materiale di risulta da fracking sui suoi terreni
9. Carol and Don Johnson
Location: Tioga County, PA
Gas Facility: East resources waste impoundment
Exposure: Water (waste pit overflowed into field) – chloride, iron, sulfate, barium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, strontium and calcium.
Symptoms (animal): Stillborn calves, quarantined cows
Carol e Don Johnson:
Vitelli morti e mucche in quarantena dopo lo sversamento di materiale tossico nei loro campi - con cloro, ferro, solfati, bario,magnesio, manganese, potassio, sodio, stronzio e calcio.
10. Mary McConnell
Location: Bedford County,PA
Gas Facility: Columbia Gas storage field
Exposure: Air – methane in blood
Symptoms: Headaches, breathing difficulties, sore muscles and other health issues
Mary Mc Connell:
metano nel sangue, mal di testa, difficolta' a respirare, muscoli tesi e altri problemi. Qui la sua storia.
11. Wayne and Angel Smith
Location: Bedford County, PA
Gas Facility: SpectraEnergy Steckman Ridge storage field, pipelines, compressor stations
Exposure: Air, water – arsenic
Symptoms: Various health ailments
Symptoms (animal): Death – 5 cows, 3 dogs, 12 chickens and 4 cats
Wayne e Angel Smith: Esposizione all'arsenico nell'acqua. Morte 5 mucche, 3 cani, 12 galline e 4 gatti.
12. Steve and Jacki Schilke
Location: Williston Basin, ND
Gas Facility: Oasis gas wells
Exposure: Water- magnesium, manganese, boron and strontium and sulfates; air – benzene, methane, chloroform, butane, propane, toluene and zylene
Symptoms: Lightheadedness, dizzy and trouble breathing, can’t walk
Symptoms (animal): Dogs and cows sick, death
Steve e Jacki Schilke: mal di testa, giramenti di testa, difficolta' a camminare, morte di cani e mucche. Esposizione al manganese, boro, stronzio, solfati, benzene, metano, cloroformio, butano, propano, toluene e zylene.
13. Mark and Sandy Mangan
Location: Medina County, Ohio
Gas Facility: Gas well
Exposure: Air; water – salts, methane and cement
Symptoms: Unknown,replacement water or relocated
Mark e Sandy Mangan: inquinamento di aria, acqua con sali, metano e cemento
14. William and Stephanie Boggs (Stephanie deceased, age 47)
Location: Medina County, Ohio
Gas Facility: Landmark 4 LLC gas well
Exposure: Water, land, air
Symptoms: Unknown,replacement water or relocated
William e Stephanie Boggs (morta a 47 anni): inquinamento di acqua, aria e terra
15. Susan Wallace Babbs
Location: Parachute, CO
Gas Facility: Gas wells
Exposure: Air- benzene, tetrachloroetheneand 1,4-dichlorobenzene
Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, lesions, pain, elevated heart rate
Susan Wallace Babbs: vomito, diarrea, lesioni, dolori e alto battito cardiaco.
18. Beth Voyles
Location: Washington County, PA
Gas Facility: Range Resources frack waste impoundment and gas wells
Symptoms: Rashes, blisters, inability to concentrate, light-headedness, nose bleeds, lethargy; benzene, toluene and arsenic in blood and urine
Symptoms (animal): Farm animals and dogs suddenly died, other dogs aborted pregnancies, stillborn offspring
Beth Voyles: Pruriti, vesciche, incapacita' di concentrarsi, mal di testa, sangue dal naso, stanchezza, benzene, toluene e arsenico nel sangue e nelle urine.
248. Jerry and wife
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Gas Facility: Southwestern Energy gas wells, waste ponds, buried liners
Exposure: Water
Symptoms: Kidney tumors, growth on gall bladder
Jerry e sua moglie: tumori ai reni, crescita sulla vescica.
350. David L. Andre
Location: Caddo Parish, LA
Gas Facility: Exco well
Exposure: Water
Symptoms: Had to evacuate home and were advised by public health officials that the water represented a continuing health and safety hazard so severe it could not even be used for washing clothing or bathing. Government officials have also warned the residents against smoking or having any kind of open fire near water systems that obtain water from the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer.
David Andre: Evacuazione della propria casa, l'acqia era diventata un rischio alla salute cosi' elevato che non poteva essere usata per lavare i panni o per farci il bagno. Non si poteva ne fumare ne avere qualsiasi altro tipo di fiamma accesa vicino ai sistemi idrici collegati all acquifero Carrizo-Wilcox.
665-689. Dick Bilodeau, Deb Thomas and 24 other families
Location: Clark, WY
Gas Facility: Windsor Energy gas wells
Exposure: Air – 5 million to 7 million cubic feet of gas was discharged into the air during the 58-hour incident; water- benzene, acetone, carbon disulfide and others
Symptoms: 25 homes were evacuated, Fort Union bedrock aquifer polluted, the blowout resulted in a 10 million cubic foot plume of groundwater contamination, or more than 100 Olympic- size swimming pools worth
Dick Bilodeau, Deb Thomas e altre 24 famgilie: scoppio di pozzo, evacuazione di 25 case, inquinamento di falda acquifera, scarico di acqua contaminata da benzene, acetone e disolfato di carbone.
Connee Robertson
March 3, 2012 10:45 pm
I live in Cleburne County, Arkansas.They have been fracking all over this county for a few years now..our wells have either run dry or gone bad. Animals have gotten sick… I lost a horse when they began fracking on the property that I have them on. I forced them to fence off the water pit they put in. They are ruining what was once one of the prettiest areas of the Ozarks and they want to frack under our lake here… where we get all of our drinking water from.This is a nightmare. I was the only one who stood up against them when they came into our county. Now, everyone wants them gone. Nightmare!! We had the best drinking water in the whole country at one time… not now.
Vivo a Cleburne County, Arkansas. Stanno facendo fracking in tutta la contea per anni ... tutti i nostri pozzi sono andati a secco o male. Gli animali si sono ammalati. Il mio cavallo e' morto quando hanno iniziato a fare fracking sul mio terreno. Gli ho fatto mettere un recinto attorno alla pozza di acqua di risulta che hanno creato. Stanno rovinando una delle zone piu belle dell'Ozarks e vogliono anche fare fracking attorno al nostro lago, da dove arriva tutta la nostra acqua potabile. Questo e' un incubo. Io sono stata l'unica persona a dire no quando sono arrivati nella nostra contea. Ora tutti vogliono che se ne vadano. E' un incubo. Avevamo l'acqua migliore del paese un tempo, ora non piu'.
La lista continua ed e' qui.
Grazie Francoise per la segnalazione
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