

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Il bel scienziato che salva il cervo dall'acqua del fracking

Un cucciolo di cervo cade dentro uno dei laghetti con le acque usate per trivellare i pozzi del fracking. Il cervo non riusciva a tornare in superficie perche' continuava a scivolare lungo i teli di plastica ai lati del laghetto.

Un uomo si lancia e lo salva. Viene fuori che di mestiere faceva lo scienziato e che studiava proprio gli effetti del fracking sull'ecosistema.

Il lago non era (ancora) pieno di monnezza perche' l'acqua non era ancora stata usata.

Il video diventa virale.


My name is Zachary Hildenbrand (I go by Tex Wells on Facebook), and I am the guy who jumped in to rescue the baby fawn from the frack pond. I certainly don't profess to being a "science hunk", just a guy who like doing science. Our research team investigates whether or not anthropogenic processes like hydraulic fracturing are affecting the quality of the environment. One of the many benefits of our research is that we also get interact with the surrounding wildlife. While collecting samples near an oil extraction site we stumbled across this baby fawn that had fallen into a frack pond (where water is stored for the hydraulic fracturing well stimulation process). We assumes tat the fawn was trying to drink water and simply fell in. After successfully getting the fawn out of the pond, it ran towards its mom who was waiting just across the fence and they disappeared together into the brush. As for the composition of the water that the fawn and I were swimming in, it was mostly fresh water but we did detect some volatile organic carbons (VOCs) being present. It is not uncommon for VOCs to be found in petroliferous basins as we have detected organic compounds, chlorinated solvents and the BTEX family of compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers) in air, soil, and groundwater throughout the shale regions in Texas. 
For more information about our research please visit our website at http://clear.uta.edu. Cheers!

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