Gerhard Roiss, il principale dirigente della OMV, Vienna
Christian Furcelea e' il padre del bimbo morto.
Il funerale di Marian, il bimbo ucciso dalle esalazioni da un pozzo di gas
Proteste di solidarieta' a Bucarest. Il cartello dice OMV Petrom uccide.
La prossima vittima potrebbe essere tuo figlio.
Proteste nel giorno del funerale di Marian
Il pozzo della morte, Romania.
La differenza fra le trivelle OMV in Romania (senza protezione)
e le trivelle in OMV Austria (con la protezione)
Marian Furcelea
Protesta per la morte di Marian Furcelea
Un bambino di nove anni e' morto in Romania nel Febbraio 2014 mentre tornava a casa da scuola. E' morto asfissiato dalle esalazioni da un pozzo di gas non protetto.
Si chiamava Marian Furcelea.
Il pozzo e' della OMV, ditta petrolifera con sede a Vienna, Austria e sorge a 300 metri dalla casa della famiglia Furcelea.
L'autopsia ha rivelato che la morte di Marian e' stata causata da un edema polmonare tossico ed avvelenamento acuto provocato da gas.
La OMV non ha neppure mandato un telegramma o un messaggio di condoglianze alla famiglia del bambino morto.
Visto che il pozzo non era stato circondato da un recinto, come previsto dalle regole dello stato rumeno, la famiglia Furcelea ha deciso con coraggio di denunciare la OMV Petrom per negligenza.
Il sistema gli si e' rivoltato contro.
Invece di stare dalla sua parte, la polizia ha fatto un interrogatorio al padre di Marian, Christian Furcelea, per avere fatto delle foto al pozzo incriminato mentre mettevano i recinti due settimane dopo la morte di Marian, il sindaco l'ha minacciato, il suo telefono e' stato messo sotto sequestro, e adesso la OMV di Vienna ha deciso di denunciare il padre di Marian.
E perche' la OMV di Vienna vuole denunciare Mr. Furlacea?
Per negligenza!
Perche' secondo il pensiero contorto della OMV Mr. Furcelea senior non si e' premurato di accompagnare lui stesso suo figlio a scuola.
Il mondo alla rovescia!
E cosi, Mr. Furcelea si e' presentato presso gli uffici per la protezione dell'infanzia per dare la sua versione dei fatti. E' stato picchiato e mandato all'ospedale. I medici si rifiutano di scrivere sulla sua diagnosi delle percosse ricevute.
Il giornalista che l'ha intervistato, l'ha trovato in ospedale.
L'attuale ministro rumeno per l'energia e' un ex manager della filiale rumena della OMV, detta OMV Petrom.
Per protestare:
Ministero dell'Interno Romania -
sede centrale della OMV, Vienna -
sede locale della OMV Petrom, Bucharest -
Altre informazioni sul caso si possono leggere qui
Altre ancora qui
ma che bello stato anche la Romania - europeo.... che caso davvero incredibile. scrivo al inglese, giusto? ciao
Dear Dr Roiss and OMV-Petrom
I would like to express my utmost outrage regarding the premature death of the young child Marian Furcelea.
Not only you have NOT expressed regret and apologies for what happened, you have not offered yet an indemnity to his family (even if life is invaluable), and you have even sued Marian's father, Mr. Christian Furcelea.
Whereas a normal behaviour for such tragedy would have been at least to carry out a thorough investigation on the causes of death of little Marian, followed by your help and assistance to the family, to carry at least a little bit of their burden.
You may get away thanks to favours offered by some people, but you may not get away from the judgement of all the others, yet normal citizens, that ask for justice.
Pretending nothing happened will not prove you innocent.
By doing so, you are stating that life is worthless for you.
With your behaviour, your name will be forever associated to the unfair death of an innocent.
Shame on you.
Yet you have still time to do the right thing, what your conscience suggests.
Let your acronym be OMV = Omnia Mortes Valent (All deaths are Worth).
Francesco Ferella
How many people have died working near a borehole? I don't remember any! My personal opinion is that the children played with Marian and maybe forced him to inhale the gas (as a childish innocent game!). I don't imagine any other way to die near a drilling...
Another detail is that his mother was aware that her child was there to play few days before. All the people were worried about the drilling, so how comes that she didn't interdict him to go to the drill?
But let's try to be fair and see all the details of the problem.If a person dies the logic is left behind, this is normal when you love someone. When desperate because of such a tragic event people easily find a scapegoat. It makes no sense to blame only the OMV. The guilt belongs to many other people, including the ones form the erroneous education system from Romania. The Romanians do not respect simple rules like the red color of the traffic lights when being at a cross-walk. Children are not taught safety courses (in other countries all the children take these courses)and do not obey simple rules, the teenagers hurt old people and have no respect for the ones around them, and the adults are nostalgic about communism times. Still, when something bad happens they blame everyone else except themselves. The guilt belongs to all the people. I really hope that Romanians will wake up and educate themselves so that this kind of events will not repeat.
I am really sorry for what happened and I present my condolences to his family.
No one is mentioning here that he was there to change the bottles of condensed gas resulted from the small artisanal installation made by his parents to steal gas from the well!!! He was in a closed space, covered by the parents so that people won't see the installation. That's why he got intoxicated. Most of us know these things. Come to the village and talk with people, at some point they will start talking.
This is the first time when I hear such things. But if so, why are the people from the village blaming OMV? Why are they against OMV? And why do the ecologists hide this? What interests are there?
Prima di assegnare la colpa non dovremmo aspettarci i risultati del patologo?
"L'autopsia ha rivelato che la morte di Marian e' stata causata da un edema polmonare tossico ed avvelenamento acuto provocato da gas."
Nobody has seen the document that atests his death. The television has shown a smal paper, but the text was indistinguishable. Still, the people say that this is the cause of the death, but the evidence was not published anywhere.
You are right. But the document was never shown. A small paper with indistinguishable text was presented, but nothing else. Someone is hiding something for sure. And they can take advantage of this tragic event to blame OMV for all kind of things.
Sì, ma io non visto il rapporto ufficiale, solo gente che parla sui blog. Questo no lo rende vero.
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