

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Texas - esplosioni, fanghi di perforazione nei campi, fiamme e scoppi

Non poteva mancare' l'incendio della settimana.

Questa volta siamo a Cuero, Texas a 85 miglia a sudest di San Antonio.

Un oleodotto e' scoppiato e le fiammate hanno divorato la zona, creando una colonna di fuoco visibile a 20 miglia di distanza. Come da copione, non sapendo cosa fare, il fuoco sara' lasciato estinguersi da solo. Intanto i residenti di DeWitt County sono stati evacuati per sicurezza.

Gli addetti alla sicurezza si consolano pensando che "menomale che era zona rurale":

If we were going to have a fire from a ruptured pipeline, I don’t think we could have picked a better location, as there were so few homes around there".

Tuttapposto, anche qui. 


Questo invece non e' l'incendio della settimana ma il riversamento della settimana, sempre in Texas, nella citta' di Arlington.

Il giorno 16 Giugno 2015 circa 43,000 galloni di fluidi di perforazione, sono letteralmente ribolliti in superficie dopo essere partiti dal sottosuolo a a causa di un incidente sotterraneo. Il brodo scottante di Gargamella e fuoriuscito nelle strade, nei campi, nelle fogne e nei fiumi della citta'.

Hanno dovuto evacuare 100 famiglie.

Si divertono in Texas, eh?

In the incident, 42,800 gallons of fracking fluid — boiling up from thousands of feet underground — spewed into the streets and into Arlington storm sewers and streams. A series of video recordings obtained by News 8 shows the scene behind the walls of a fracking site 600 feet from a cluster of homes in the state's seventh largest city. 100 homes in Arlington had to be evacuated as fracking fluid spilled out of a drilling site onto the city streets. "Clearly there was a release of unpermitted materials into the stormwater system," said Arlington Fire Chief Don Crowson the drilling company mishandled the spill. According to the report, Vantage Energy first contacted 911 nearly two hours after fracking water first started to spill. What's more, the call to 911 came not from the site, but from corporate headquarters in Pennsylvania. "This is unacceptable behavior," said City Council member Robert Rivera. "The citizens of Arlington do not appreciate the lack of ability to control the site." The official cause of the spill at a site adjacent to Lake Arlington Baptist Church is listed as equipment failure. Vantage Energy was issued a citation and has agreed to reimburse the city $84,000. But this was not included in the city's report: Records uncovered by News 8 of another 1,500-gallon spill at the same site one month earlier. Arlington Resident Kim Feil said the two incidents one month apart reinforce her fears that drilling so close to homes is not safe. "I just assumed this was a residential area and it would be free from industrial hazardous operations," Feil said. "Now we see it's not." - See more at: http://upriser.com/posts/42-800-gallons-of-fracking-fluid-boiled-over-spewing-into-the-streets-sewers-and-streams-of-arlington-texas#sthash.8CnNmZMd.dpuf


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