Per chi volesse fare il tifo per lui c'e' qui una campagna per scrivere alla Casa Bianca e chiedere una moratoria immediata prorpio la sera degli Oscar.
Basta solo fare copia e incolla di quanto scritto qui sotto, aggiungere qualcosa di personale se si vuole, firmare e mandare a questo link.
Speriamo che vinca Gasland, ma anche se non vince quello che ha fatto questo documentario e il suo regiasta Josh Fox e' stato bellissimo.
President Barack Obama
The Whitehouse
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Obama:
I am writing to you today to express my deep concern regarding the threat caused by Hydraulic Fracturing to the environment and to the health and well being of the citizens of the United States of America.
Hydraulic Fracturing is a new, unsafe method of drilling for natural gas that injects millions of gallons of toxic fluids and synthetic petroleum based drilling mud directly into and under drinking water aquifers. Thousands of documented water contamination cases across the country point to a massive failure to protect public health over the last five years in the midst of the largest onshore natural gas drilling campaign in US History.
There has been an inadequate amount of study investigating the impact on either the environment or the tens of thousands of families that are living amidst roughly 450,000 gas wells across 34 states.
I am grateful to know that the EPA has begun an initial study to examine Hydraulic Fracturing but in light of the fact that this study will not be completed until 2012, I continue to be fearful of the ongoing effects of what is largely an ungoverned and potentially perilous practice.
In your April 2008 address in Scranton, PA, you stated that you believed Hydraulic Fracturing should be subject to the Safe Drinking Water Act. Therefore, we will expect your full support for passage of the FRAC Act, which would re-regulate the process of Hydraulic Fracturing under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Finally, on behalf of myself, my family and my fellow citizens I respectfully call upon you, your administration and the Congress of the United States to impose an immediate moratorium on the practice of hydraulic fracturing across the United States until such time as these practices have been unequivocally proven to pose no threat to the environment or the citizens of the United States of America.
mi dicono che licia colò oggi (rai3) ha parlato di gasland e degli effetti nefasti dell estrazione petrolifera.
non so se abbia parlato anche delle battaglie italiane…
dai tempi di bimbumbam mi è parsa sempre una delle poche non baldracche della tv italiana, anche se -per quanto iperecologista-la perfezione non le appartiene ancora:
mi pare faccia ancora, dopo diverse segnalazioni, la pubblicità della kinder ,una delle tante multinazionale che acquistano cacao attraverso canali che non garantiscono guadagni dignitosi ai braccianti del sud del mondo (=tutta la famiglia nei campi,no scuola bambini!)
gasland non l ho ancora visto, ma tra mezz’ora inizio a tifare… dal mondo di morfeo!!!
Fatto Maria Rita,
un mio piccolo contributo a Gasland di Josh Fox, sperando un giorno di conoscerlo di persona..
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